About bead chains
[A story about the origin of bead chains: Mokugenshikyo]
"What in the world should we do?" Being at a loss, Virūdhaka asked Buddha. "Our country is small. Thieves intrude, there is constant conflict, grain does not grow, and a disease has spread. Our people are suffering. How can we eliminate their agony and anxiety?"
Regarding this serious distress, Buddha told the king the following: "Create a nenju (Buddhist rosary) by connecting 108 fruits of mokugenshi (Koelreuteria paniculata) and take it with you always. If you trust the Buddha and pray hard, you will naturally receive clothes and food, be comfortable, and be able to expiate your sins.
Omamori — an object which you should carry with you always which eliminates your anxiety and agony, gives you comfort, and enables you to expiate your sins
[Bead chain and Buddhism]
Bead chains have the power to connect the person who possess the bead chain and admires Buddha to the world of Buddha.
Buddha lives in the bead chain and gives it the power to protect its owner.
Nenju is a symbol of Buddhism. Whenever you see it, it reminds you of Buddhism and heals you.
It will eliminate evil and give you immeasurable benefits.
*The practices and causes described above are some of many different theories.
The above was edited under the supervision of Yamada Nejudo Co., Ltd.
We appreciate your understanding of differences in meaning, views, or other matters.
There are many other theories about the information about each bead (stone) explained below, including meanings and causes. The administrative body has selected the above from among the many different theories based on its own research. We appreciate your understanding of differences in meaning, views, or other matters.
*Generally, each bead (stone) has multiple names, including the trade name and mineral name. This website uses the names designated by Yamada Nenjudo.

Etymology: It is said to derive from crystallus, the Greek word for clear water.
[[Specifications and features]]
Rock crystal is the most common mineral produced in the earth's crust. Crystals with a low level of transparency are called quartz while highly transparent crystals are called rock crystal. In it's natural form, the stone is a crystalline hexagonal column with a sharp end.
[History and oral traditions]
In the ancient times, both 水晶 and 水精 were Chinese characters used to mean crystal. It was believed to be ice that had been made by a deity and which did not melt. Therefore, it was believed that crystals had special powers. It was used in pharaohs' crowns in ancient Egypt, appears in the legend of Atlantis, and was used in various other places according to legend.
[Powers and some of the legends]
Since ancient times, rock crystal has been regarded as sacred in various parts of the world. They have been appreciated as magical tools for religious rituals, prayer, exorcism, and the treatment of disease. It is said that when rock crystal is added to multiple types of stones mixed and used together, crystals harmonize energy, which tends to disperse, and makes adjustments to create and maintain a balanced state. Rock crystal is said to have powers including being a good-luck charm, purification, a charm against evil, and making wishes come true. This stone is used as an amulet for a wide variety of purposes.

Etymology: It began to be called citrine because its color is similar to that of citron, a citrus fruit.
[Specifications and features]
As described by its Japanese name, kisuisho (yellow quartz), citrine is a category of quartz. Yellow transparent stones are called citrine, regardless of their color density. The various other materials mixed into quartz give it color. Citrine is a type of colored quartz.
[History and oral traditions]
It is said that in medieval Europe, citrine was called topaz (mistakenly) and was greatly loved by upper-class people. It is also called citrine topaz, which is a remnant of this fact.
[Powers and some of the legends]
Since ancient times, citrine has been valued as a lucky stone that brings prosperity in business and wealth. It has bright energy and is called a symbol of the sun. Due to its ability to facilitate the circulation of all things, this stone has been regarded as a symbol of prosperity and wealth. Because the beautiful, shiny yellow is reminiscent of gold, citrine has been believed to enhance economic fortunes since ancient times. It has been valued as a charm for prosperity in business in various parts of the world.
This stone is also used as an amulet by many business people wishing for success in business.

Etymology: It derives from "onux," a Greek word for claw. In the past, agate with white grooves were called onyx. It is said that it was called onyx because the grooves looked like claws.
[Specifications and features]
This stone is black in color with a slightly matte texture. While it has a glassy gloss, it is a black agate mineralogically. Like rock crystal it is a quartz and is categorized as a chalcedony. It is an aggregate of crystals that are so tiny that the individual crystals are not visible.
[History and oral traditions]
It is said that ascetic monks in India wore this stone to drive away the evil thoughts and temptation within them. It is said to have been used by Catholics to control their passions. In Europe, it was feared as a witch stone due to its black color.
[Powers and some of the legends]
It is said that this stone firmly stabilizes your own central axis and leads you to act in a down-to-earth manner to steadily achieve goals. Onyx drives evil thoughts away, absorbs negative vibrations, strengthens will and belief, and stabilizes the body and mind. It was therefore used as a charm to protect warriors in ancient times. This stone has been believed to hold off evil since early times and widely used as charm against bad luck that protects the owner from demonic spirits.

Etymology: This stone looks like a tiger's eye depending on the angle of light, hence its name.
[Specifications and features]
Due to its chatoyancy, this beautiful stone features a yellow-gold stripe pattern that appears when the light shines on the rich brown ground color. Its main component is crocidolite, which is a kind of amphibole. Tiger's eye is formed when a quartz solution penetrates into crocidolite and then solidifies. As many years pass deep in the ground, crocidolite is dissolved and the fibrous crystal structure, which is reminiscent of silk, is gradually replaced with quartz. This is believed to be why the stone reflects the light like a tiger's eye.
[History and oral traditions]
Tiger's eye was revered in ancient Egypt as a holy stone that brings good luck. It is said that ancient Romans wore this stone as a strong charm to protect themselves that imbued holy psychic powers while Indians adored and loved it as the most valuable jewel due to the beauty of its changing colors.
[Powers and some of the legends]
Since ancient days, eyes of tigers have been believed to see through everything. Therefore, this stone named tiger's eye is said to improve the insight of its owner. The improved insight enables the owner to pay attention to everything. The ability to see what other people don't is a great strength and enables the owner to develop. By improving insight, this stone brings better luck in money and business, helping the owner to achieve their wish. It is therefore used as a charm for economic fortune and prosperity in business, among others.

Etymology: The name comes from amethystos, the Greek word meaning "not getting drunk." It has been regarded as a noble stone that is owned by bishops who want to avoid intoxicating events in life.
[Specifications and features]
Quartz, which is colorless and transparent by nature, becomes violet when it contains a tiny amount of iron ions. This violet variety of quartz is called amethyst. The color differs according to its origin, ranging from a dark, opaque violet that is close to black to a pale, light violet, including bright violet.
[History and oral traditions]
In ancient Egypt, amethyst was used widely as a talisman and accessory. In Judaism, it is designated as one of the stones placed on the ceremonial breastplate worn by the high priest. In the world of Christianity, an amethyst ring is said to have been used as a presbyter's stone. There is an old oral tradition that, in ancient Rome,
enjoying alcohol from a bowl made of amethyst was believed to protect a person from not only alcohol but also from intoxicating events in life.
[Powers and some of the legends]
The violet colored amethyst has a noble atmosphere and also called a guardian stone of love. As this story goes, it is said to generate love and compassion and aid a person in affairs of the heart, where they tend to be emotional, helping them see through the other person, without being distracted by their appearance or atmosphere, thus giving the person the power to protect true love. Amethyst is also said to powerfully improve the ability to become inspired and the intuitive ability. It is therefore also said that wearing amethyst is good when you want to improve your creativity.

Etymology: Lapis lazuli is a hybrid of lazhuward, a Persian word for blue, lazward, an Arabic word meaning heaven or sky, and lapis that means stone.
[Specifications and features]
The beautiful, deep blue has beauty just like a night sky or deep ocean. Lapis lazuli is not a single mineral. Generally, it is a mixture of lazurite, hauyne, sodalite, and noselite. The color of lapis lazuli is deep and beautiful, especially when the stone contains a large amount of lazurite and noselite.
[History and oral traditions]
In ancient Egypt, high-purity gold and various other minerals were used for the mask of Tutankhamun (18th-dynasty pharaoh). One of the minerals used was lapis lazuli. This stone is also deeply related to Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. It is also said that in ancient Rome, lovers revered lapis lazuli as a stone that protects their love and dreams. In the world of Buddhism in Japan, this stone is called ruri, one of the Seven Treasures that are said to decorate heaven. It has been loved by people as a guardian stone of good luck. And it is said that lapis lazuli is the first stone in the world to be recognized as a power stone.
[Powers and some of the legends]
Since ancient times, lapis lazuli has been treated reverently as a sacred stone that symbolizes the roof of heaven. Lapis lazuli is said to drive away evil thoughts in the mind of its owner and demonstrates it power as a protector against evil and bad luck, which is proven by the fact that it was called a sacred stone. This stone is also said to attract happiness according to oral tradition. Happiness attracted by lapis lazuli is not sudden riches like a lottery jackpot or finding one's true love suddenly. The stone gives challenges that are needed for the owner to feel happy. Lapis lazuli is said to give true happiness to people who have overcome these challenges.

Etymology: Onyx derives from onyxis, a Greek word meaning claw. Stark white onyx is called white chalcedony or white onyx.
[Specifications and features]
This stone features a beautiful, pure, translucent white. It is a rare stone more rare than black onyx. Onyx is as a type of agate. While black onyx is widely known, it is said that the term onyx originally referred to a striped agate. The black stripes are black onyx. White onyx is the white part cut from a striped agate.
[History and oral traditions]
Since ancient times, white chalcedony/white onyx has been said to drive away evil. In Persia and India, it is used as charm against demonic spirits. Because it is produced in various parts of the world, there are various oral traditions about it around the world.
[Powers and some of the legends]
Same as onyx, this stone has been believed to be a charm to ward off evil and bad luck. Since ancient days, this stone has been said to drive away evil. It appears to have been used as charm to ward off demonic spirits. It is also presently used as an amulet that drives negative energy away from its owner, including evil thoughts and bad luck. Further, because the pure white color has infinite possibilities, this stone is said to increase the strength of will and calm the mind, which are necessary to achieve objectives. The stone is believed to support people who have to concentrate on work, studies, or other matters and people working to achieve their objectives. It is a stone of peace and stability. It is also said to expand the network of friends.

Etymology: The name, agate, derives from Achates, the name of the river in Sicily, Italy where this stone was mined.
[Specifications and features]
It is said that red agate was discovered by chance in the process of making a stone tool. When someone applied heat to agate, an unexpected red color appeared. Like rock crystal, red agate is a kind of quartz.
[History and oral traditions]
It has been said that great people in the history of mankind, including the Emperor Napoleon I and the prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, ordered their subordinates to make seals using red agate. There is also an oral tradition that red agate was related to Christianity.
[Powers and some of the legends]
This stone is said to bring better luck in love, health and family life. The original meaning of agate is "deepening ties." Further, due to its red color, red agate has additional effects of bringing power of concentration, enduring strength, a capacity for endurance and the ability to increase enthusiasm. It is said to have life-enhancing energy and give power to the blood. It is therefore also known as a good-luck charm for people who want to have children.

Etymology: Sard means red and brown. This is combined with onyx. Onyx originally meant a black agate with black and white stripes. This is why red or brown (orange) onyx began to be called sardonyx.
[Specifications and features]
Sardonyx is a kind of chalcedony. It is an aggregate of tiny quartz produced as a result of sediment forming in a solution containing silicic acid. Among the various kinds of chalcedony, chalcedony with parallel stripes that are red to brown and white are called sardonyx. It is also called “striped agate” because the alternate layers of opal and quartz look like a stripe pattern.
[History and oral traditions]
The Revelation of St. John the Divine in the New Testament says that the groundsill of the castle wall of Jerusalem the holy capital was decorated with 12 kinds of jewels, and sardonyx is included in the names of the jewels. Further, because sardonyx consists of two colors, it is valued as a cameo material, and a large number of ornaments have been created since ancient Roman times.
[Powers and some of the legends]
The name of this stone appears in many history books, including the Old Testament. It is known as a symbol of married couple's happiness and luck in marriage. The reason is the coexistence of the red and white colors. Red and white are the symbol of two characteristics that are opposite to each other, that is, yin and yang. In particular, they are regarded as symbols of women and men. Sardonyx is a single stone that contains the characteristics of red and white that are opposite to each other. It is regarded as a stone of harmony with a good power balance and as a guardian stone that brings a happy married life. This stone is used as an amulet that brings eternal, stable happiness to partnerships with a person of the opposite sex, not to mention married life. In addition, sardonyx is said to value individuals because there exists no two sardonyx stones with the same pattern. "Individuals" means all people, including the owner. Therefore, this stone leads the owner to value each one of their fates with people they have already met and all others.